Transform Your Drive

Your car isn’t just a means of getting from point A to B—it’s a reflection of your personality and a sanctuary of relaxation. Our Car Tinting service is here to elevate both aesthetics and functionality, providing a safer and more pleasant driving experience.

Why Tint Your Car Windows?

Superior Comfort and Sun Protection
Premium window films block out harmful UV and infrared rays, shielding you and your passengers from the sun’s damaging effects. This results in a cooler cabin, reduced glare, and longer-lasting interior materials—all contributing to a more enjoyable ride.

Greater Privacy and Safety
Tinted windows act as a shield, keeping the contents of your vehicle hidden from prying eyes. In addition, the film adds an extra layer of strength to the glass, reducing the risk of shattering and minimizing debris in the event of an accident.

Sophisticated Appearance
Window tinting adds a polished, modern look that enhances your car’s overall design and appeal.

A Range of Tailored Tinting Services

We offer a full suite of window tinting options to fit vehicles of all makes and models. Our experts will help you choose the perfect shade and tint level to match your preferences and meet your needs.

The installation process typically takes between 1.5 and several hours, depending on the type of vehicle and the desired tint.

Transparent Pricing

Car tinting services start at an affordable €60 for sedans. Prices may vary based on the type of film and the complexity of the job. Feel free to request a clear quote upfront, so you’ll know exactly what to expect.

Key Regulations to Keep in Mind

If you’re thinking about window tinting, it’s essential to ensure compliance with local laws:

  • Windshield Restrictions. Aftermarket films are not allowed on the windshield.
  • Limited Tint on Top of the Windshield. Many manufacturers apply a factory tint to the uppermost section of the windshield. Additional tinting here may be allowed, but it’s typically limited to 5–7 cm. Check your vehicle’s manual or consult a tinting professional for clarity.
  • Front Window Light Transmission. The driver and passenger side windows must allow at least 70% of light to pass through, ensuring clear visibility.
  • Freedom for Rear Windows. There are no legal limits on the darkness of rear window tints.

Pro Tip: Some vehicles come with pre-tinted windows. Keep this in mind when choosing additional tinting to ensure you stay within legal limits.

By following these guidelines, you can upgrade your car’s style and comfort while staying compliant with all regulations.

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